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Showing posts with the label Gluten-Free Saag Paneer

Saag Paneer

  Saag Paneer Recipe Saag Paneer is a classic Indian dish originating from the Punjab region, known for its vibrant emerald green color and comforting flavors. It's a vegetarian curry made with a base of leafy greens like spinach or mustard greens (saag), traditionally combined with paneer, a fresh Indian cheese with a tofu-like texture. Ingredients: 1.      4 cups fresh spinach, washed and chopped 2.      1 cup mustard greens, washed and chopped 3.      1 cup fenugreek leaves (optional), washed and chopped 4.      200g paneer (Indian cottage cheese), cubed 5.      1 large onion, finely chopped 6.      2 tomatoes, finely chopped 7.      3 green chilies, chopped 8.      1 tablespoon ginger-garlic paste 9.      1 teaspoon cumin seeds 10.   1 teaspoon turmeric powder 11.   1 teaspoon garam masala 12.   1 teaspoon coriander powder 13.   1/2 teaspoon red chili powder (adjust to taste) 14.   Salt to taste 15.   2 tablespoons oil or ghee 16.   1 cup